Wednesday, August 28, 2013

M's Kind of Surprise 25th Birthday

Way late post from April- sorry, guys! I'm finally getting around to finishing all my drafts :)

This past Friday was my fiance's 25th birthday and I wanted to do something really special for him! I planned little surprised throughout the day. Now, Matt is very quick on his feet and is either completely aware of everything going on, or completely oblivious. This day he decided to ruin *almost* every surprise I had in store! First, he discovered the balloons in his trunk before they flew out at him. Then, the free lunch I had planned at Chipotle was foiled when I found out his coworker was already taking him there to eat. Afterwards, he went home early and saw his beer cake before he was supposed to!

At least my outfit was super cute ;)

At this rate, the surprise party I had planned was worrying me. I had sent out adorable invitations a month ahead of time and yet NO ONE has RSVP'd. Matt and I went to dinner with his parents, his brother and his girlfriend and during dinner, everyone except Matt was FREAKING OUT, to put it lightly. We needed to kill a LOT of time while our roommate scrambled to figure out where everyone was. During dinner, all of us except Matt were on our phone texting like madmen trying to figure shit out. To help, his parents asked us to go out for a drink, which instantly made Matt suspicious, since his parents usually keep it to only the glass they had at dinner. UGH!

Finally, we gave up and made the drive home... very slowly. Matt thought I had something "gay" planned for just the two of us- I had told him we had to go home and change into pajamas. My heart was beating so fast as we pulled into the driveway and Matt went to open the door to hear "SURPRIIIIIISE!" There were about forty people packed into our living room and stairway! Somehow our roommate had managed to get everyone- and also a bunch of people I'd never met- to the house just seconds before we pulled in! Such a relief. The look on his face was so priceless, and I knew it was a success!

For the man who doesn't like cake- perfect.

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