Friday, December 6, 2013

Our First Christmas

I don't even know where to begin to explain how wonderful this holiday season has been, but perhaps I shall begin with my Etsy shop, Boughtin Baby and Bride. My little craft hobby has become a part time job- I think I have shipped off 75 orders in the past three/four days! I am just amazed to see my hard work and fun designs become an actual business, to watch my shops instagram followers grow from 180 to almost 5000, and to hear the cha-ching of my phone every hour when another sale goes through. My heart is so full of happiness to see my livelihood becoming successful.

It has been such a fun experience sharing not only our first Christmas in our new home, but our first time decorating, ever! I've always lived on my own, but decorating a strangers home never felt right. Getting a tree and seeing M get specific with his ornament spacing skills has made being married even more exciting! 

Not to mention we have our new puppy Crashy to spend time with. He is so pretty and soft and he makes us so happy! He and Lucky spend a lot of time hating each other, but they are always right next to me regardless. He's so squirrely and carries all his toys (and our slippers) out to his favorite corner of the the backyard and comes back in for the next ones. It's constant entertainment!

I love this time of year- it always reminds me of how lucky I am to have such wonderful family, friends, food on the table every night and all the other things I have been blessed with. I want to give back every chance I get, even if it's a dollar here or a granola bar there. Thank God for this beautiful life we have, and I will always do what I can to pay it forward.

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